Beginning again, and a better WordPress child-theme scaffold
Starting a new project I realized I really did not like my normal development cycle for how to keep my code clean and tracked, and
Starting a new project I realized I really did not like my normal development cycle for how to keep my code clean and tracked, and
Project details: Client: Compass Health ShieldsDesign House: Alexandra GoTools: Adobe Illustrator Scope: Branding for the Compass Health Shield line of products. The compass Health Shield
Project details: Client: Monk ManualDesign House: MatthewHall.info LLCTools: Liquid, Gulp, SCSS, JS Scope: Updating templating system within Shopify based on provided mockups. Shopify is a
Project details: Client: Beezix.comDesign House: MatthewHall.info LLCTools: Liquid, Gulp, SCSS, JS, GitHub Scope: Templating system for Shopify’s email responses, invoicing and customer communications. We re-built
So you suddenly figured out your wordpress site is down? or worse.
Let’s fix that.
The updates to the InLiquid theme included several custom development tweaks and updates to their system.
Project details: Client: Blue NaluDesign House: MatthewHall.info LLC, AlexandraGoTools: WordPress, Gulp, SCSS, JS, GitHub, Elementor, SmartSlider3 Scope: Ground-up build of a wordpress site, site identity,
Project details: Client: MCFH division of Philadelphia Dept. of Public HealthDesign House: JEHcreatives.comTools: InDesign, Illustrator Scope: Create a trifold as a public resource to find
Project details: Client: InLiquidDesign House: InLiquidTools: Photoshop, Illustrator Scope: Annual Event brandings for The InLiquid Benefit. While working full time for Inliquid, I developed a
With the addition of retailer ability to build fully mapped out Amazon Stores, and a need to have fully mobile access to the online Beezix store, we took on redevelopment of both stores with the re-design of the visual identity at the same time.
Two significant corporate collection catalogs were produced during my time with InLiquid. These two catalogs represented major public collections of artwork in the Philadelphia region.
For a period of three years, I was tasked with creating the branding artwork for Salt Lake Acting Company’s season of plays. Each of these years were built to be viewed as a whole and separately.